Sunday, July 25, 2010


I think I've wanted to write ever since I was a young girl.  I used to write poems and short stories all through high school and into my adult life.  I had green journals that I wrote in that were very precious to me. 

One day, in a fit of anger, my then husband threw them out.  I didn't know about it until it was too late.  The trash man had already taken them away.  I was devastated.  Years of my heartfelt feelings were gone forever.  There was nothing I could do.  It hurt so bad that I just stopped writing.  Years (and year) went by.  I divorced, remarried and divorced again.  I had so much hurt inside.

When I was 41 I joined an online site called GeoCities.  It was  place to write about yourself and your family.  I don't thing the word "blog" was a word back then.  I began to write about my life from my childhood on through the rocky marriages and the pain I went through as well as some of the abuse my children suffered as a result of my poor choices.

Writing that story was healing for me in a lot of ways.  I was able to forgive a lot of past hurts and offenses as well as come to grips with my own mistakes and seek God's forgiveness in them.  It's an amazing story of God's loving mercy and grace.  It's been on the Internet for 13 years, but it is not finished.  I have a feeling God wants me to get back to work on it  It's going to take discipline and a lot of editing.  So if anyone is reading this, pray for me.  It will mean facing some old hurts again.

Speaking of writing, we had two book signings for two gals at our church this weekend.  One was written by a wonderful friend Kathleen Kurlin called "Her Father's Eye" and the other was by "Never Forsaken" by KJ Wereb.  I was thrilled to by a signed book from both of them.

I sat down this afternoon and opened "Her Father's Eyes" and didn't put it down till I was finished.  It was a great book and I just loved it.  I rate it up there with "The Shack" in fact!  I wept, I laughed, I wept some more.  Kathy has had a wonderful glimpse into heaven and it all the more real.  The book also teaches us the importance of loving oneself.  I read it in one sitting and was sad to end it.  But very happy with the ending she gave it. I give it 5 stars!

Tomorrow  I will  read the next book.  It looks promising as well.  It is a little bigger so might take me longer.

Sometime this week I hope to work on the old one.  We will see.

Ne scripture verse today.  I need to go to bed.

Be blessed,''


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