Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I have so much to learn about blogging...

I am still rather new to the world of blogging and am discovering that I have so much still to learn. For example, anyone can stumble upon my blog and read it. Or they just have to click on the little tab above that says “Next Blog >>” and it might (maybe) be my blog that shows up.

I did a Google search to see if I could find my blog there. I found all kinds of pages such as a page where I can buy honey or nutritional bars, another Suebee’s Buzz written by a different person, (I started blogging before she did so can I call her a copy cat?), A 29 day giving challenge, a Sue Bee Etsy page (I give…what’s Etsy?), but I couldn’t find me. What the heck? I searched “Suebee’s Buzz” again, and still no me!

Then I looked at the title of my blog. It’s “Subee’s Buzz”, not “Suebee’s Buzz”. Duh!

Anyway…I am finding a whole ‘nother world out there in bloggersville, or whatever blogging people call it…(I have so much to learn!) From what I’m reading on other blogs, it’s OK to comment on their posts. In fact, they rather enjoy the comments (except for when they are rude and/or down right insulting!) Some of the bloggers even comment back to the comments and have an actual conversation thingy going on.

What I can’t figure out yet (and there are many things), is how to link to someone else’s blog while referring to their page. For instance, I’m loving (and following), “Dust Bunny Hostage” “My Real Life Was Backordered”, “Everyday Places”, “More of Him, Less of Me”, etc. I’d love to be able to type in the name of their blog and you just click on it and it goes to them.

I finally figured out what a SAHM meant. (I do confess, I thought it was either a religious cult or a sadistic sexual thing….) OK, if you are scratching your head now, it means a Stay at home mom! What do I know? I am a WAFHM! (Oh come on…you do know that it means I’m a work away from home mom right?) Maybe I did just make that one up…

I also want to figure out how all those pictures get posted. I did one using the funslide, but I don’t want to do that every time I want to add pictures. So I’m wondering if there is an easier way to do it. (Anyone?)

Then we have that “Follow” button where you can click on and follow that blog. I’ve figured that one out and am actually following several blogs now. But, when I click on their picture, it just brings me up information about them. It doesn’t take me to their blog. So I’m not sure how I can follow them when they respond to my blog (not that many have…but just in case someone actually does that I’ve not met or am currently following.)

Of course, I can’t forget the Widget buttons. (What is a widget anyway?) I have been able to do a few of those, but really, it was all sheer luck! I still have to go back and figure out how I added the list of blogs I’m reading because I want to add some more!

I’m sure there is a lot, LOT, more that I need to learn about blogging. Is there a blogging course on the internet? I mean, how did everyone learn how to do all the really cool stuff I’ve been seeing as I read these blogs? It can’t be that hard, can it? (Please tell me it is easy…I don’t have the patience for anything that takes a lot of thinking!)

Oh, and I guess there are some blogs out there where they (the blogger), don’t want any comments. Now, to me, that doesn’t make any sense! If you are going to blog for all the world to see, why wouldn’t you want comments? Isn’t that like an actor performing on stage saying they don’t want applause or a singer not wanting you to buy their albums? Seriously, I’m not being rude, I truly want to know!

I am blogging because someday, I want to write a book. It’s obvious to anyone reading my blogs that my writing skills leave a lot to be desired. I have a lot to learn and blogging is a great way to practice. It also makes me take the time to actually write. But, if I don’t get feedback, how am I going to know where I need improvements? So yeah! I want comments! (Just not the obnoxious ones by anonymous posters.)

Of course, I still only have four followers, and maybe that’s all I’ll ever have. I guess that’s ok. But if you are reading this, and you have any pointers to help me along, I’d love your comments. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh by the way, this morning I woke up again with a worship song in my head. I love it when the very first thought on my mind upon arising is God! I can’t think of a better way to wake up! The song is by Chris Tomlin, “Everlasting God”

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

Be blessed,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for seeking me out and introducing yourself. I hope that you enjoy blogging. I have spent a lot of time on your site today and it has been nice getting to know you!

    Be blessed!
