Thursday, August 19, 2010

I hurt as I type

I saw the doctor this week regarding all the pain I am experiencing in my body.  It turned out to be an almost two hour appointment as the Physician's Assistant spent almost an hour and a half going over my life history.  We talked about every surgery I've had, different illnesses, medications I take and or have taken, family history on my mom and dad's side, etc. 
I was pretty stressed out when I found out the appointment was going to last that long.  I was supposed to pick Lilly up from school at 3:00 and my appointment was at 2:00.  I knew I was going to be late and let the school know that she would be in the after care program when school got out.  They said that was fine.  I thought I'd be maybe 20 minutes late, not an hour or more! 

So when the doctor came in and examined me, all I could think about was "I need to go!"  So I didn't really go in detail about all my aches and pains.  She said she wasn't sure if I had fibro.  When she touched all the pressure points I had 8 or 9 of 18.  She said they want you to have at least 11 areas that are tender.  I had also told the PA that I was having a fairly good day that day, not a whole lot of pain, so the Dr. said it was possible on a bad day I might have more areas that she found.   I told her I didn't think I had fibro, but still am concerned about how much I hurt.

She was more concerned with my back pain.  She felt that was the area we needed to first focus on because the other areas may be connected to that injury.  She gave me some topical patches to wear and see if they help.  She said they are like Novocaine.  (They didn't seem too helpful the day I tried them. But I'll give them another chance before deciding.) 

She also said I may have osteoarthritis. Most of my symptoms go along with the symptoms of this condition.  She recommended some exercises to help strengthen my lower back and gave me two brochures, one on fibro and one on osteoarthritis.  Both brochures recommend taking yoga to help with the pain and it just so happens, we are currently having yoga classes twice a week at work. 

So, Tuesday night I bought a yoga mat and yesterday was my first class.  I did things I didn't know my body could do!  I stretched in ways I am sure my body has never stretched before!

This one actually feels good!

I did all of these poses and more.  They sure felt good at the time, but this morning was a whole new story!  But, I am a glutton for punishment.  We had another class today and I went back. 

Today, we had some new poses...

In viewing different yoga poses to put on this blog, I saw a lot of other yoga poses I don't even want to do.

Yeah, the ones I did were hard enough!  These are the ones YOU can do!

Oh, if I don't blog tomorrow, it's because I am hurting way to much! 

I need to remind myself of one of my favorite scriptures:

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Be blessed,

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